Gráfico que hice en base a los conocimientos y experimentos de Christiane Northrup. Aqui un resumen de uno de los capítulos de su libro en el cual explica como las mujeres recibimos y procesamos la información de diferente manera según la fase en la que estamos de nuestro ciclo. La conexión y entendimiento de lo que nuestro cuerpo nos está tratando de transmitir en cada etapa influye directamente en la salud de nuestro cuerpo y mente. Lo comparto! Espero que todo esté claro, es un texto extenso y traté de resumirlo lo mejor que pude :) Si quieren guardarlo o compartirlo con mas mujeres, aquí el archivo imprimible
Graphic I made based on Christiane Northrup knowledge and experiments. Here is a summary of one of the chapters of her book in which she explains how women receive and process information differently depending on the phase in which we are in our cycle. The connection and understanding of what our body is trying to convey in each stage directly affects the health of our body and mind. I share it! I hope all is clear, is a long text and I tried to summarize as best I could :) If you want to save or share it with more women, here the printable file
Graphic I made based on Christiane Northrup knowledge and experiments. Here is a summary of one of the chapters of her book in which she explains how women receive and process information differently depending on the phase in which we are in our cycle. The connection and understanding of what our body is trying to convey in each stage directly affects the health of our body and mind. I share it! I hope all is clear, is a long text and I tried to summarize as best I could :) If you want to save or share it with more women, here the printable file